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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

[rock-linux] build report Rev: 1688

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Subject: [rock-linux] build report Rev: 1688
hello maybe someone is would like to know...

 [5] gnome24/gtkdoc (failed because of missing jade)
 [5] gnome24/libglade 
 [5] gnome24/libgnome (shared files)
 [5] base/isdn4k-utils
 [5] gnome24/gimp (fontconfig >= 2.0 is missing)
 [5] gnome24/seahorse (libmusicbrainz is missing)
 [5] gnome24/sound-juicer
 [5] gnome24/gnome-pilot (some probs with the inc. header files)
 [5] gnome24/gnome-pilot-conduits ( " - " )
 [5] gnome24/nautilus (shared files)
 [5] gnome24/evolution (deps on gnome-pilot)
 [5] kde31/kdeadmin31 (libmisc.la is missing there is only libmisc.so)
 [5] base/pcmcia-cs  (some module probs might be because i switched to old
 [5] clifford/bacterium
 [5] gnome24/dia (pygtk is missing)
 [5] base/dump
 [5] rene/coda (some lib inconsistency)
 [5] gnome24/totem (shared files)

if someone is interested i could post the log files... and maybe
tomorrow an install report

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