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Re: [rock-linux] Clarification Please

ROCK Mailing List Archives

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] Clarification Please
> I can not see anywhere, where you can install the distro
> you just built onto the machine you built it on apart from
> creating iso's and using these to install the new distro?

1. Make your build/.../root directory a partition.
2. Build.
3. Boot that partition and work. You already have a ROCK!
[4. Mount the old root partition and remove the old system].
[5. Install to the old root partition].
[6. Reboot the old root partition].


1. Build.
2. Build bootdisks.
3. Boot bootdisks.
4. Mount and remove the old system.
5. Mount the partition with build/.../pkgs if different.
6. Install.


If you already have a recent ROCK, either build and install
(the update is automatic) build/.../pkgs/packagename.gem,
or build directly in root system (if that is still allowed).

> I am really wanting to try this distro as an alternative to Gentoo, as I believe looking at the dates Rock was possibly the first sources based distro before Gentoo or SMGL or SGL or Lunar?

That's correct IIRC. Unfortunately, the stable tree
maintainer is busy these days, so there are some unresolved
bugs right now. Hope we won't have to reassign mainentance.

E-gards: Jimmy

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