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Re: [rock-linux] Project renaming

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] Project renaming
On Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 1:22:19 AM,
    Clifford Wolf <> wrote:

> the ROCK 2.1 roadmap contains stuff like integration of Hurd and OpenBSD
> kernels to the ROCK build system. So the name "ROCK Linux" wouldn't fit
> very well anymore ....
> [put to the beginning]
> PS: The topic came up the first time at this years developers meeting and
> we wanted to discuss it in detail at 20C3.

I'm happy to hear that this was already mentioned. I've been being
reluctant to bring it up on the mailinglist because I haven't been sure
how it'd be received.

> Also "ROCK Linux" fits too well into the common "Foobar Linux" naming
> scheme for linux distributions - so it's no wonder that it is so hard to
> promote ROCK Linux as "built kit for linux/whatever distributions" instead
> of "yet another linux distribution".
> I'd suggest renaming the project to something different. My personal
> preference would be something like "Open ROCK". Suggestions, thoughts and
> feedback in any form is very welcome.

When I made thoughts about it, I came to the conclusion that ROCK Linux
may survice, but it should be decapsulated from a "Distribution Build
Kit" (so in our terminology it should be a distribution target).

Well, I'd speak for just name it Distribution Build Kit. Or, when this
makes trouble with things like rock-consulting et al, put a ROCK
before it. (Though I don't think a rock is a very good metapher for a
DBK. :-P)

-- tcr () ``Ho chresim'eidos uch ho poll'eidos sophos''

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