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Re: [rock-linux] Project renaming

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] Project renaming
Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:

>On Thursday, November 6, 2003 at 2:36:00 AM,
> Alejandro Mery <> wrote:
>>[...] Every time we start rocking we are doing just that, sculping
>>(carving) a ROCK to create something.
>>that's the meaning of ROCK... at least for me.
>>a logo easily emerge from there.... a dwarf sculping.... sculping what?
>>a tux? a daemon?... who knows?
>While the picture you're drawing here is actually pretty good, I think
>your analogy, what a Distribution Build Kit reflects in that picture, is
>flawed: A DBK is not the rock (the material) but the hammer and chisel
>(the _tools_) which help you sharping your sculpture out of a marble

yes :-) the DBK are the tools, and the products are the rocks. the tool
is OpenROCK and all the products are ROCKs. DBK is a surname not a first

my english is flawed, i think the concept doesn't :)

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